Be Organized
Every year the last day of the Bengali month of Bhadra is the occasion for worshipping the snake goddess (Monsha Puja), and a fair is held on the occasion at Shatkhira in a place named Gurpukur. Legend has it that during the llth century AD towards the end of the Bengali month of Bhadra a person while walking became tired and fell asleep under a banyan tree at Palash Paul. When he woke up, he found a deadly cobra shading him from sunlight. From that legend, the worshipping of the snake goddess began at that place and the Gurpukur fair also started side by side. The fair continues for one month. The main exhibits at the fair are furniture made of Sundarbans wood and fruit plants. Moreover, entertainments like puppet shows, magic shows, and Jatra (folk theatre) are also arranged. Since 1992, the idea borrowed from Gurpukur Mela was nationally replicated in all district and Upazila townships in the form of Brikkha Mela (tree fairs). This was done to strengthen the tree-planting movement in the country.
Sathkhira can be reached by Bus from all over the country. Also, train service is available to Khulna and from Khulna with bus anyone can reach satkhira