Who doesn't love to eat cake? Cake is one of the big part of the Bengali tradition. Especially in the rural area of Bangladesh people can’t think life without pitha/cake. This tradition still survives to a large extent. In winter, the smell of eating pitha-puli falls in Bangladesh. Young to old, all Bangladeshi people are fond of this cake. Every cake has different flavors. Some cakes are sweet, some are salty and some cakes are sour. Today we will discuss the story of some famous cakes of Bangladesh.
Bibikhana pitha
One of the famous dishes of Shariatpur district is Bibikhana pitha. This cake is basically made with thick juice of palm fruit. The main ingredients of this cakes are rice powder, flour, powdered milk, condensed liquid milk, sugar, oil, eggs and cardamom powder. Rice powder, flour, powdered milk, cardamom powder are mixed together and the mixture is made by breaking eggs in it. In this mixture again they have to be mixed with milk, sugar and oil. When the sugar juice is melted in this mixture, palm juice is added to it. This cake is very tasty.
Kholaja Pitha
This cake is best known in Feni and Noakhali regions. In winter, the smell of eating this cake falls. According to most of the people, this pie is called Kholaja Pitha because it is made from clay. This cake is very tasty. The main ingredients of this cake are rice powder, eggs, salt and water.
The mixture is first diluted with rice powder, water and salt. The mixture should be made thin so that it rolls like a liquid. Then you have to break the eggs in this mixture. Now you have to heat the soil in the oven. Light oil should be applied on the surface of the opening. Now pour the mixture in the open and spread it lightly around and cover it with a lid. After a while, when the light becomes hard, the cake has to be removed with a fork. The cake looks like bread. It has many small holes on the surface.
Mara pitha
Ingredients of this cake are rice powder, salt and water. First you have to fry the rice powder a little. Now you have to make kai or lump by mixing hot water and salt in the fried rice powder. Its shape is round or long.
Nakshi pitha
Although there are several types of nakshi pitha, Bhairab's nakshi pitha is quite famous. It is known that this cake was also in vogue during the reign of Nawab Shaista Khan. This cake have to design before fry. Usually rice powder, mug dal, salt, oil, eggs, cardamom, cinnamon are the main ingredients of the cake. Pitha/ Cake maker design this cake by tooth pick, needle or knife. Sometimes the designs are bought from the market and molded into cakes. These cakes come in various designs. Ghee is often used in this cake. This cake is quite fun to soak in milk.
Cake of date’s juice
This is a popular winter cake of Bangladesh. Early morning of winter season juice harvesters collect date juice from date palms. In between, this cake is made by soaking Chitai pitha with milk, sugar or molasses. However, this cake is famous all over the country.
Bhapa Pitha / Steamed Cake
This is a delicious cake. In winter, this pie is made at home in the village. And in the city, it is sold at street corners. Its main ingredient is rice powder. Molasses is given to sweeten it. Its taste is enhanced by using coconut shells. The mixture is made by mixing a little salt and water in the rice powder. Then the smeared rice powder is sifted through a sieve. Then coconut husk and molasses are mixed to give fuel. Making it is a matter of extreme strategy. This cake is made with the help of water vapor flame. So the uniqueness comes in its taste.
Chittai pitha
Chittai pitha can be heard from all over Bangladesh. This cake is round and flat in shape. This cake is very simple, but it takes extraordinary skill to make. The main ingredient of rice powder. First you have to make a mixture of rice powder, salt and water. The soil is heated in an open oven. Now you have to apply some oil in the opening. Now take one spoon of liquid mixture and pour it in the open and cover it with a lid. Very little water should be sprinkled on the lid. Wait 4 to 5 minutes to remove the cake. This cake is quite fun to eat with molasses or, date juice.
There are also puli pitha, patisapta, pantoya, kulshi, date pitha, kheer kuli, rose flower pitha, oil pitha, semai pitha. Bangladesh is our country of innumerable cakes. It is not possible to finish writing all the cakes. So the story of the rest of the cakes was picked up for another day.