Wangala: A thanks giving festival of Garo tribe

Garo is an indigenous community in Bangladesh. Garo settlements are more prevalent in the greater Mymensingh division. ‘Wangala’ is the primitive tradition and major religious festival of Garo community.

Now, we are going know about the Wangala festival. In this ritual Garo people offer their crops to the gods. Missy and Saljong are the main gods in this religious festival.

In 1862 the Garo community converted to Christianity. Since then huge changes have taken place in their religious and social culture. However, many of them believe on to their ancient traditions. At least once a year they go back in search of roots. They try search the scent of own tradition. The festival premises became full of worship, remembrance, dance and songs throughout the day. The colorful conformation of Garo culture are highlighted by the fiesta of Wangala.

In plain land of Bangladesh it’s called Nabanna festival. Wangala is exactly like that. However, it is much more festive. In the month of Kartik (November – December), Garo community harvest their new crops and bought into home. They never take the new harvests themselves. At first they dedicate their new crops to gods. In the wangala festival various arrangements are made from village to village.

The posara of the story stored for many days is also sitting all day long. They tasted all the traditional food in the stalls in the field. Some people buy zoom potatoes, pumpkins, various wild vegetables for home. Collected traditional clothes and ornaments like Dakmanda, Daksari, Thanka Sara, Rikmachchu.

Wangala is the main religious festival of the Garo community. Its also one of the festival of feast. So at the beginning of Navanna, an attempt was made to keep the old tradition alive by offering new crops to the gods.

At the Wangala festival, almost everyone wears the Garo culture. They wear Garo dress Nakmanda and T-shirts. Many people dance to the tune of Garo music.

For centuries the Garos have been offering crops to their grain gods. However, after the conversion to Christianity, the traditional social customs of the Garos are now observed religiously and socially.