Be Organized
Bengali literature has become world-famous with immortal literary creations of Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore. This great poet was born on 7 May 1861 and died on 7 August 1941. Rabindranath Tagore is a poet, dramatist, novelist, actor, composer, educator, painter, and philosopher. He contributed to every branch of literature and created unique heights of thoughts and philosophy
He is the only one in the world who wrote the lyrics of the National Anthem of the two countries; Bangladesh and India. The poet spent a part of life in Shilaidaha Kuthibari, Kushtia where a festival is organized every year to mark the birth anniversary of the poet on 25th Boishakh Month of Bangla Year. Shilaidaha Kuthibari - the historic residence of the poet is now a museum having rare belongings of the poet. To remember the poet, different events and festivals are organized throughout the country.
The distance from Kushtia city to Rabindranath's cottage is about 20 kilometers. From Kushtia city, auto-rickshaws, CNG, and easy bikes and other vehicles can be used to reach Shilaidaha Kuti home easily and at very low cost.